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IB Art Courses

Visual arts exist in many points of life and affect many things such as creativity, expression power, communication and understanding. There is a certain perception and approach expected from International Baccalaureate (IB) students. In IB Art lessons, we firstly give our students concepts of IB approach, and help them gain the ability to make holistic analysis by approaching art critically.

IB Art lessons actually require learning a new language; visual language. We take the visual language in all its different forms, both traditional and contemporary, and evaluate the effects of visual language on different societies at different times. We evaluate the relationship between form and function in different contexts and touch them up to the sociopsychological effects. By examining how visual art blends and associates different fields of knowledge, we gain both the interpretation of art and the processes of creativity.

Theoretical knowledge and a creative process guided by the research is expected from the students. We support our students in experimenting with different techniques and methods. Strengthening technical skills and supporting our work in abstract terms are among our priorities. IB Art students are expected to perform a study comparing the works of different artists under the title of Comparative Study at both the HL and SL levels. In this process, we assist our students in selecting works, analyzing works, and supporting academic literacy, while at the same time helping HL Art students to relate their works to the works they analyze.

IB Art  Courses